Incorrect Subject Verb Agreement Quiz

Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of grammar that ensures that the verb in a sentence matches the subject in both number and tense. This means that if the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. Unfortunately, subject-verb agreement can be a tricky concept to grasp, leading to common errors in writing. To test your knowledge of subject-verb agreement, take this quiz on common mistakes!

1. Which sentence correctly demonstrates subject-verb agreement?

a) The dogs in the neighborhood barks loudly at night.

b) The dogs in the neighborhood bark loudly at night.

c) The dog in the neighborhood barks loudly at night.

Answer: b) The dogs in the neighborhood bark loudly at night.

Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “dogs” is plural, so the verb “bark” must also be plural.

2. Which sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error?

a) The group of students is studying for their exams.

b) The group of students are studying for their exams.

Answer: a) The group of students is studying for their exams.

Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “group” is singular, so the verb “is” must also be singular. However, it is important to note that in some cases, a collective noun like “group” can be treated as either singular or plural depending on context. In this case, since the sentence refers to a specific group of students, treating “group” as singular is appropriate.

3. Which sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error?

a) Each of the students have their own preferences.

b) Each of the students has their own preferences.

Answer: b) Each of the students has their own preferences.

Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “each” is singular, so the verb “has” must also be singular.

4. Which sentence correctly demonstrates subject-verb agreement?

a) The team of researchers was conducting experiments.

b) The team of researchers were conducting experiments.

Answer: a) The team of researchers was conducting experiments.

Explanation: Similar to the previous question, a collective noun like “team” can be treated as either singular or plural depending on context. In this case, since the sentence refers to a specific team of researchers, treating “team” as singular is appropriate.

5. Which sentence contains a subject-verb agreement error?

a) Neither of the students knows the answer.

b) Neither of the students know the answer.

Answer: a) Neither of the students knows the answer.

Explanation: In this sentence, the subject “neither” is singular, so the verb “knows” must also be singular.

Now that you`ve completed this quiz, you should have a better understanding of subject-verb agreement and be able to identify common errors in writing. Remember to always double-check that your verb matches your subject in both number and tense to ensure clear and effective writing.