Market Making Agreement Six

Market Making Agreement Six: An Overview

Market making is a crucial part of any trading ecosystem. It involves creating liquidity in the market by buying and selling securities to maintain the balance between supply and demand. One of the ways through which market makers achieve this is through market making agreements. Market making agreements refer to contracts between market makers and issuers of securities, detailing the terms under which the market maker will create liquidity in the issuer`s securities.

Market Making Agreement Six (MMA6) is one such agreement that has gained popularity over the years. It is a market making agreement that was developed by the London Stock Exchange (LSE) to provide a framework through which issuers could contract market makers to provide liquidity in their securities.

Key Features of MMA6

MMA6 has several key features that make it an attractive option for issuers looking for market makers. These include:

1. Risk management – MMA6 requires market makers to adhere to strict risk management policies to mitigate any risks associated with market making activities.

2. Performance standards – MMA6 requires market makers to commit to specific performance standards, including minimum liquidity provision, bid/ask spreads, and minimum order size.

3. Reporting requirements – MMA6 requires market makers to provide regular reports to the LSE to demonstrate their compliance with the performance standards.

4. Transparency – MMA6 requires market makers to disclose any conflicts of interest and provide clear information on their fees and charges.

Benefits of MMA6

MMA6 provides several benefits to issuers, market makers, and investors alike. These include:

1. Improved liquidity – By contracting a market maker through MMA6, issuers can improve liquidity in their securities, making it easier for investors to buy and sell.

2. Reduced risk – MMA6`s risk management policies ensure that market makers operate within acceptable risk parameters, reducing the likelihood of market disruptions.

3. Enhanced transparency – MMA6 requires market makers to be transparent in their operations, providing issuers and investors with clear information on fees and charges.

4. Increased confidence – By committing to specific performance standards and reporting requirements, market makers operating under MMA6 can instill confidence in issuers and investors, which can lead to increased trading volumes.


In conclusion, Market Making Agreement Six is a popular contract between issuers and market makers seeking to create liquidity in securities. It offers a framework that ensures risk management, performance standards, reporting requirements, and transparency, providing several benefits to issuers, market makers, and investors alike. As such, MMA6 continues to be a popular choice for market makers seeking to provide liquidity in the securities market.